There are some terrific quotes about sex and power. Henry Kissinger – was there ever a less physically attractive man who got so many stunning girl friends? – once said that “power is the ultimate aphrodisac”. It is the only explanation. Oscar Wilde said that “Everything is about sex. Except sex. Sex is about power.” Elizabeth Gilbert wrote in Eat, Love, Pray “I met an old lady once, almost a hundred years old, and she told me, ‘There are only two questions that human beings have ever fought over, all through history. How much do you love me? And Who’s in charge?” Chuck Palahniuk wrote “It’s all mirror, mirror on the wall because beauty is power the same way money is power the same way a gun is power.” 


And David P Bryden wrote “Of course, men often ‘use their economic superiority to gain sexual advantages,’ but women often use their sexual superiority to gain economic advantages. So who is the extortionist?” The use of sexual superiority and allure to gain economic advantage is most obvious, of course, the world inhabited by the sexiest escorts Marbella and similar places provide to men. They directly exchange sex for money. But civilian females exchange affection for status, handbags, shoes, a home, whatever floats their particular boat. They would not see it that way of course, but it is amazing how many relationships can live through every trauma except the man losing his job or taking a job of lower status. 


So many great words about something that is basically various combinations of heat, friction and lubrication. But sex is what we are here for. The other stuff that we do in between having sex is either to fill our time until we have sex again, or to improve the quality of the sex we have or the sexual partner that we have it with. Being able to supply or withhold sex is a woman’s great power over men. It has largely been seen as un feminist and extremely politically incorrect to say so. But in Honey Money Catherine Hakim makes it very explicit and explains it in academic terms that are hard to ignore or refute. So people just attacked the messenger in the hope that the message would be infected by association. 


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